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recovery the 04/05/2024

the free online Rugby management game.

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Registered players : 124 398 - Active players : 534 - Registered today : 0
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The bests
XV 46416.92 Pts
15 coqs402.31 Pts
Tahiti RC ...397.37 Pts
Evilteam395.05 Pts
Jersey Reds394.41 Pts
Teams classification :
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1)    XV 46Mat46000SUPER ELITE416.9278.861 jours
2)    15 coqspouletSUPER ELITE402.3157.312 jours
3)    Tahiti RC 🇵🇫FanchELITE397.3772.231 jours
4)    EvilteamEvilkrissSUPER ELITE395.0565.891 jours
5)    Jersey RedsMaugisELITE394.4184.141 jours
6)    Pearly_SpencerPearlySUPER ELITE381.2655.081 jours
7)    cousinhubhubSUPER ELITE371.6561.881 jours
8)    Amazon Warriors 🇧🇷Max03SUPER ELITE371.2182.072 jours
9)      CASBernardoELITE368.2711 jours
10)  Kingston TitansBoltSUPER ELITE367.0230.872 jours
11)  Sao Paulo LeaoPenarolSUPER ELITE365.935.751 jours
12)  RC Temple Barpascal63ELITE364.8683.372 jours
13)  Rc OccitancachouELITE364.2544.162 jours
14)  Roskilde VikingsJuFosterELITE363.8290.092 jours
15)   KLINGON RCbebert91SUPER ELITE363.7912.941 jours
16)  SPORTINGCocoSUPER ELITE361.6630.872 jours
17)    x9XV du BranleurS57DSUPER ELITE358.670.213 jours
18)  Hooniors LC1812nomdezeusELITE358.2158Aujourd'hui
19)  Green Bay PackersromeoSUPER ELITE357.7634.271 jours
20)  Stade LhermoisArch31ELITE357.2849.271 jours
