the free online Rugby management game.

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Registered players : 124 567 - Active players : 520 - Registered today : 0
Registered yesterday : 1 - Online players : 13
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The bests
15 coqs418.21 Pts
Tahiti RC ...414.53 Pts
XV 46406.84 Pts
Jersey Reds402.79 Pts
Evilteam397.68 Pts
  Trainings planification, For all :   Team details

Wednesday : Thursday : Friday : Monday : Tuesday :
Wednesday : Thursday : Friday : Monday : Tuesday :
 Three quarters
Wednesday : Thursday : Friday : Monday : Tuesday :
Wednesday : Thursday : Friday : Monday : Tuesday :

    Welcome in the trainings planification area.
        - You can plan your collective trainings on one week, maximum.
        - You are not obliged to plan the entire week.
        - The general planification concerns all players.
        - The under-21 planification can be used to specify a different training work for under-21 players.
          (This must be done after the general planification)
