the free online Rugby management game.

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Registered players : 124 559 - Active players : 520 - Registered today : 0
Registered yesterday : 0 - Online players : 0
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The bests
15 coqs417.9 Pts
Tahiti RC ...413.63 Pts
XV 46405.89 Pts
Jersey Reds402.19 Pts
Evilteam396.38 Pts

Audience average : 0 / Match
Matchs played : 0
Club popularity : 1 points

Stadium name : AUSTRIA Stadium
Tickets price : Ovalies  (Max price : 0 Ovalies) 
Variable infrastructures profits : + Ovalies
Fix infrastructures profits : + Ovalies
% of the tickets reserved to your opponents : % (10 to 50%)

Warning : the tickets price has an influence on your audience.
We advise you to put it free if your team is weak and your popularity low !!
