J - 12
recovery the 04/01/2025

the free online Rugby management game.

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Registered players : 124 682 - Active players : 562 - Registered today : 1
Registered yesterday : 1 - Online players : 7
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The bests
Tahiti RC ...423.69 Pts
Pearly_Spencer414.31 Pts
15 coqs413.65 Pts
Jersey Reds412.13 Pts
Amazon Warriors...407.64 Pts
 Training of Tuesday, For all :


Forwards :Hinge :Three quarters :Full-backs :
ForwardsHingeThree quartersFull-backs

Informations :
- Choose, for each position, the exercice that players will do in training session tomorrow.
- The general collective training concerns all players.
- The under-21 collective training can be used to specify a different training work for under-21 players.
  (This must be done after the selection of the general collective trainings)